Saturday, May 21, 2011

Guess whose coming to your wedding !

       Your wedding invitations are your guests' first glimpse into your wedding style -- from the overall vibe and aesthetic to specific color combos and the level of formality. So it's important to make them count! 

None of these invites arent mistakes , but here are some of the most common mistakes  below.

Top 10 Most Common Wedding Stationery Mistakes

Mistake #1: Trying to incorporate every aspect of the wedding into the invitation design

While it's good to give your stationery a personal element (like your venue's amazing chandelier), less is more.

Mistake #2: Missing typos

Ask your grammatically inclined friends to look over the invitation proof and read it carefully.

Mistake #3: Using too much color

Mistake #4: Addressing the envelopes yourselves

Addressing the envelopes takes time, and many stationers offer the service at little or no charge. If you decide to do it yourself, don't do it all in one sitting. Give yourself plenty of time to avoid making any mistakes.

Mistake #5: Giving guests too much time to reply

Give guests too much time to RSVP, and they'll get lost.

Mistake #6: Over-ordering

Mistake #7: Or…not ordering enough

Mistake #8: Forgetting to put stamps on the reply envelope

It's an obvious one but an often overlooked detail

Mistake #9: Purchasing postage without weighing a sample

Mistake #10: Waiting too long to hire a calligrapher


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